Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Long live dandelions!

As I was mowing my lawn yesterday, my eyes gazed over the hundreds (or is it millions) of dandelions invading my flower beds. Most of us would call them weeds, but I would like to think of them as something else.

Yes, there are lots of them, but I have come to appreciate their sparkly yellow color covering my garden, when the other plants are only starting to come out of their winter hibernation.

Dandelions are also very useful as a medicinal plant, in particular to help boost liver function (Great for a detox!!).

They are a great addition to your salad. My favorite - take some young dandelion leaves, mix with spinach leaves, and some slices of apple (or mandarins if you can still get some). Top it up with a light salad dressing of balsamic vinegar and olive oil, and voila. Enjoy!

So forget the round-up, let's start treating dandelions with a little more respect, and see them as a positive plant rather than a nasty weed.

Oh... and kids love them too!